
Information for New Bowls Members

This is an information leaflet outlining the structure, operation and activities of the Club.  If you have any queries please do not hesitate to phone the Club Secretary or you can contact us at any time by email : morncivic@gmail.com.

The Board of Management is the overall controlling body of the Club.  The Bowls Section Committee runs the Bowls programme. A copy of the newly updated Club Constitution and Rules is displayed on the notice board, or can be obtained on the website (See ABOUT).


Under the Constitution, Annual General Meetings will be held to elect the Bowls Section Committee and Board Directors.  The Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held in May.  The financial year of the club is July to June.


Our Club operates on a volunteer basis, there are no paid workers.  Once you become familiar with the club and our unique surroundings we would appreciate your assistance. Most of it is hands-on and any participation in a variety of tasks is welcomed.

We have a Club Handbook which is printed each year with information on Board and Bowls Section Office Bearers and Committees, the Club’s bowls program, pennant and members’ telephone listings.


Our official club colours are Gold and Black.  When playing pennant, or special nominated events, bowlers are required by the Bowls regulators to wear the club registered uniform which can be ordered and purchased for you through the Clubs.  Items available are :

Shirts – short and long sleeved

Sleeveless Vests and Jackets

Caps and bucket hats.

For all Social events, “mufti ” (neat casual wear) or Bowls Australia approved clothing bearing the Bowls Australia logo may be worn.

A copy of the current Bowls Victoria dress rules will be included in your welcome kit.

Flat soled shoes only are to be worn on the bowling greens.

Hatbands are on sale at the bar.

Once membership is approved a name badge will be arranged for you.


If you have been accepted as a member but have not yet received coaching, it is a requirement of the club that you contact the Secretary of the Bowls Section to arrange coaching.  You must have an experienced bowler with you when you go onto the green.  Loan bowls are available.  The club has a number of qualified coaches who are available as arranged by appointment. Check the website Contact details.


Practice is encouraged and generally members may practice whenever the greens are open but usually not before 10.00 am unless approved.  Practice is not allowed while any competition is in progress unless an adjacent green is available.   Availability of greens and rinks for practice will be displayed on the blackboard adjacent to the clubhouse entry doors.   Please remember to put mats and jack away after use.



Saturdays – Pennant – 12.30 pm – Bankers (Social) – 1.00pm

Tuesdays – Pennant – 9.30 am

Wednesday – Twilight – 6.00pm – Dinner 7.30pm

Thursdays – Social Triples – 11.00am

Friday – Barefoot Bowls – 5.30pm


Saturdays – Social Open Triples – 11.00am

Tuesdays – Social Open Pairs – 11.00am

Thursdays – Social Open Triples – 11.00am

There are various other events during the year advertised in the club handbook, on noticeboards and the website. Single entries and visitors are welcome to all social events – BYO or buy lunch. Game sheets for entries are located at the back of the main hall.


The Selectors of the Bowls Section choose the pennant teams.   If you wish to play pennant, contact the Chairperson of Selectors listed in the club handbook.  Weekly pennant teams and venue are posted in the left patio window for Saturday Pennant and in the right patio window for Tuesday pennant.

Club colored rings for pennant players to identify the Club’s bowls are available from the Bowls Section Secretary or Selectors and will be included in your welcome pack..


Entries for Club Championship events open in September.   Information on dates, type of competitions and entry forms will be advertised.


The Clubhouse contains a commercial kitchen, bar with beer on tap, Bowls Section offices, a meeting room and Members book trading library. For hire enquiries please contact the Bar Manager.

Note:  Clubhouse and greens are Smoke Free Zones.


The club holds a happy hour every Friday evening from 5.30 until 6.30 pm, followed by a Member’s lucky cash draw and meat raffles.   A cooked meal is available at competitive prices but pre-booking is necessary and a list is available on the notice board in the bar area.


A variety of social evenings are held throughout the year.  Details and dates are shown in the handbook and displayed on the clubhouse notice boards.

We welcome you to our Club and hope you have a long and enjoyable membership at Mornington Civic.