Practice & Use of the Greens
As a general rule direction of play (including practice) shall be:
- Saturday – North/South
- Sunday – East/West
- Monday – North/South
- Tuesday – North/South
- Wednesday – East/West
- Thursday – East/West
- Friday – North/South
Please always check the Notice Board for any green/rink closures or changes in direction of play.
In general, affiliated club bowlers may practice whenever the greens are open, on a rink not being used for scheduled competitions or not being used fully by coaches. Official coaches acting in that capacity will have priority in the use of available rinks. New bowlers who are not club members may only practice under the supervision of an official coach until passed to play by the coaches.
Bowlers MUST NOT practice on a rink that they will use in a club championship competition game at a later time that day.
Whilst pennant games are in progress, members wishing to practice or organise a social competition on the same green, must leave at least one rink between the games in progress and must be in BV approved uniform. If there is a vacant open green, these rinks must be used first and members must wear BV approved uniform.